Snow Removal Sign Up

Our Residential Snow Removal Packages cover you from November 1st – March 31st.* Services will typically be done between midnight and 8 am. If 1.5″ has accumulated by midnight, we will be done by 8 am. If 1.5″ falls by 4 am, we will start servicing and continue into the morning. Due to safety and liability, daytime servicing will not start unless 4″ or more has accumulated on the pavement.

Regular snowplowing services cover 18 snow events, then a per-event charge will occur.

Due to the way concrete can move with the freeze and thaw cycles, we are not responsible for damage due to scraping, peeling, or deterioration of driveways. All driveways must be paved.

Generic pricing below covers residential driveways up to 100′ long. Give us a call at 616-834-5900 for specialty driveway pricing.

* Fuel Surcharge: If fuel goes above $5/gallon, a one-time fuel surcharge will be invoiced at 5% of your contract.

Double Car Driveway

$505.00 per season

Double car Driveway snow removal is designated for driveways that are 2 car-widths wide, without a y-shaped extension at the end. Includes driveways up to 100′ long. Prices are subject to change based on location & drive time.


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